past occasions we have been talking about how to install the search
engine to your blog, if you have not had time to read, read first deh
here, but in search of leads in the search engines, then what about our
blog, what will be lived. To that I discuss this issue.
In the search box is different from the first search box, if you type the keyword in the box, the results we will find the data that exist only on our own blog, so visitors are increasingly long in our blog.
In the search box is different from the first search box, if you type the keyword in the box, the results we will find the data that exist only on our own blog, so visitors are increasingly long in our blog.
If you want to make it follow the following trick ..
1.Login to Blogger with your ID
2.Klik Menu Design
3.Klik Tab Edit Page
Add gadgets 4.Klik On
5.Klik HTML / Javascript
6.Pastekan following code into the box provided
<Form action = "http:// name-blogging .blogspot.com / search"
method = "get"> <input class="textinput" name="q" size=" 25 "type="text"/> <input value =" search "class =" buttonsubmit "name =" submit "type =" submit "/></ form>
Description: Rename-blogging with the name of the blog kamu.angka 25 shows the length of the box (search box), the more the number the longer the textbox its
Then View the blog
If you are finished try testing your box Search Box by typing a keyword if it leads to your blog means that our task was successful.
If you are finished try testing your box Search Box by typing a keyword if it leads to your blog means that our task was successful.