Any venture, whether it is commercial or philanthropic, should aim at improving the lives of as many people as possible. Both should use technological tools to overcome infrastructure barriers and build scale. And both must be self-sustaining to be considered truly successful.
I want to share with you what I have learned about philanthropy as person who was born in modest circumstances, as a boy who learned to take advantage of opportunities, as a businessman seeking new ways to create something of value for others, as a philanthropist trying to overcome global challenges, and as a father who wants the best for his children.
At each stage of my life I have found that the values that matter most are those of an entrepreneur . . . someone who takes a risk and makes things happen; someone who is not afraid to fail because there are lessons to be learned from failure; someone who is focused on a mission rather than a static.
I am convinced that only by applying the values of an entrepreneur to philanthropy will you ever be able to meet the needs of the greatest number of people.
I understand human needs. I grew up where far too many people lived day to day with elemental needs like food and shelter. Compared to them I was fortunate.
My father was a civil servant in the northern Indian where I was born. As a boy I saw the dire effects of poverty and illiteracy, especially on women and children. It often seemed that the only thing separating me from them was luck.
But my parents didn’t believe in luck. They believed in hard work and in preparing me to take advantage of opportunity. Like many parents, they taught me to be generous but never to depend on the generosity of others.